During the annual membership meeting, the president shared with the members the ideas that are being discussed by the Board that are important in furthering the life of ITC in the light of our Purposes. One of the subjects is to further involve the membership in an active way in contributing to cross-pollination.

The idea of delegates is being explored. Delegates would visit Theosophists to explain what ITC stands for; not a Theosophical society but a platform that facilitates honesty, integrity, exchange, and trust between Theosophists. Also the Board is figuring out how to make mini-pockets of ITC endeavor, in order to further dissolve boundaries in light of sharing and service.

Ideas and suggestions from the members

Members who were present at the annual membership meeting handed in ideas and suggestions on several subjects. There were request to allow for a little more digestion time during the ITC conference; there was an exchange of ideas how to make sure that also Theosophists who cannot afford the costs can participate in an ITC conference. ITC is not rich and cannot grant substantial scholarships. It was suggested that Individuals possibly could pay for a ticket for someone in their group, and on the registration form one could be asked if they would be willing to anonymously sponsor a student. It was confirmed that it is important to think of ways for members to be more involved, thus building up a long lasting interest and a sense of unity. The Board is working on this, the Newsletter being one of the initiatives, while more initiatives will be developed.

All members are invited to share their suggestions and ideas with the Board and in the Bee.

During the meeting already one individual volunteered to take on whatever assignment the Board would pass on. The Board will be in touch with him.