Martin Leiderman, a longtime member of the TS Adyar has accepted an invitation of the TS Point Loma to conduct two study weekends about The Secret Doctrine. Both weekends take place in July 2018 in The Netherlands.

Martin gave an interactive lecture on the study of The Stanzas of Dzyan during the ITC conference in Santa Barbara in 2016. He was a student of Joy Mills, who for many years organized study courses in The Secret Doctrine and The Mahatma Letters for members of the TS Adyar, and all other theosophical mainstreams.

Martin was born in Venezuela but now resides with his wife Susan in Los Angeles, where he leads a theosophical study group. He is a board member of the Theosophical Society (Adyar) in America. Martin is an internationally renowned Theosophical lecturer, covering The Secret Doctrine, The Voice of the Silence, The Egyptian Book of the Dead and many other subjects.

The study weekends in the Netherlands will be attended by speakers, study leaders, chairmen of lodges, course conductors and direct co-workers and representatives of the TS Point Loma

On the Sunday of the second weekend all interested members of the TS Point Loma will study with Martin. The results of the study weekends will be shared and questions can be asked.