Theme ITC 2019:

Theo-Sophia The Integral Wisdom

Returning to the Source of Science, Philosophy and Religion

Confronted with the challenges of today, people look for answers. They search within either religion, science or philosophy but to no avail!. When trying to combine these views to arrive at one consistent answer they seem to contradict each other. However, some of today’s leading thinkers recognize a possibility to integrate the religious, scientific and philosophical views. They are intuitively searching for an integral wisdom.

Theosophy is integral by its Nature. It is a seeing, knowing and understanding of the inner and outer relations that exist between all things, and all things, as The One Life! It is The One Life, recognized through the lenses of Science, Philosophy and Religion.

The true religion and philosophy offer the solution of every problem. (…) If our doctrines will show their competence to offer it, then the world will be the first to confess that there must be the true philosophy, the true religion, the true light, which gives truth and nothing but the truth.
The Letter of the Maha Chohan

Inspired by the Letter of the Maha Chohan, our objectives are:

  • To rediscover and deeply appreciate the Integral Nature of Theosophy!
  • Demonstrate how Theosophy can be applied to offer the solution to any problem pertaining to our lives.
  • To make the Theosophical Principles a “Living Power in The Minds and Hearts of Humanity” by working together as Theosophists from all streams, using each other’s genius.

As Theosophists we can serve mankind by showing how theosophical principles can be applied to offer the solution to today’s problems.

We welcome all students of Theosophy to come and work with us in our study groups, rediscovering the Integral Nature of Theosophy.