Last Summer there were 4 board positions open for election. We are happy to announce that these board members were re-elected by the members.

The board is happy with the confidence it receives from its members.

Short Explanation of the Election Process

The Board of Directors of International Theosophical Conferences developed a Nomination and Election Committee (NEC) in order to establish a smooth and transparent election process for future ITC board members. This committee consisted of 3 board members, one of TS Adyar, one of The United Lodge of Theosophists, one of TS Point Loma.

Our goal for the elections was twofold:

  1. to ensure the quality and stability of the work of the board by pre-qualifying nominees to the board based on pre-established and posted requirements for board members (see:
  2. to handle the election process in such a manner to be as transparent for the membership as possible. The process is also described in the above link. We thus created a document – including timelines – which can serve any future board for election processes.

For this year’s elections this process meant that e-mail-nominations were received by the secretary of ITC who then passed it on to the NEC. The NEC then made a general check of the eligibility of the candidates per the criteria of the posted requirements; then presented it to the board. The process continued from there as described on the website. E-mail votes were received by the secretary and forwarded by e-mail to the NEC. All three members of the NEC counted the e-mail votes as well as the paper ballots received at the conference itself, so that these results could be at the membership meeting. We thus made sure that this part of the process was transparent as well.